Lettuce Rejoice
November 24, 2022
Welcome Winter
Administrative Details
Heads up! We’ll be sending out a survey next week to gather some information on your experience with the farm share thus far, and your desires for 2023. It would mean so much to us if you can take a few minutes to fill it in.
What’s in the Box?
I’m going to put a spotlight on cabbage. We’ve shared all the red cabbage on the farm, and this week we switch to green (we do this because green stores much longer then red).
I LOVE cabbage, from cabbage rolls to coleslaw and everything in between. I made this incredible dish not long ago, and it is time to make it again:
A few weeks ago, I had the delight of fermenting loads of cabbage with my lovely coworkers Erika and Amy. I’ve included my favorite sauerkraut recipe below. If you’ve never fermented, it’s not scary, and you should probably try it. Your gut will thank you, and dinner will be so much more delicious!
On the Farm
Gosh, we had fun at the final 2022 Eat Local Huron farm crawl! Thanks so much to those that came out. We got to drink cider, and eat Wild Carrot Bakehouse’s amazing Holiday Cookies, and chat with so many lovely folks. Don’t despair if you were hoping to come and pick up a grow your own microgreen kit but couldn’t make it. We have them available to be ordered and delivered with your share on the customization page.
We’ll also be offering holiday willow stars in the coming weeks.
Back on the farm we got more snow than I expected, it’s getting close to a foot all together. The puppy loves it, and zooms around like its Christmas morning. The pigs, however, do not. We need to move them into their winter home, which involves walking them about 100 ft’ across the farm into the small barn we had repaired earlier this year. I’m feeling some trepidation about the whole thing, as they are FAST and STRONG (and they escaped when they first arrived here…). My livestock farmer friend told us to have them skip a meal or two, and that then they would follow their stomachs lead and give chase to a dragged dish of grain. I have faith in her advice, less so in our skills, but here’s hoping! Our other livestock project, meat rabbits, is much less stressful, and right now we've got 4 litters of healthy "kits" (babies).
I also have high hopes that the snow will thaw once more. If it does, we’ve got a few hundred willow cuttings to “stick” (plant) to beef up our hedgerow. I also have dreams of sneaking in a willow tunnel like this one (https://www.lakeshorewillows.com/site/blog/2020/11/30/building-living-willow-play-hut-tunnel), though it may need to wait until spring. Have you noticed that I really love willows?
That’s all for now, happy eating until next time.
Farmer Tamara