Lettuce Rejoice!
July 13, 2023
Summer Share Week 6
It’s the 6th week of the Summer Farm Share - thanks so much for joining us!
You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.
Here’s a how-to file:
If you run into any issues, please email support@harvie.zendesk.com , you can also reach out to me at firmlyrootedfarm@gmail.com
Please return your cooler bags and binder clips each week - THANK YOU!!!
photo by marycowanphoto
What’s in the Box?
Move over broccoli, it's cauliflower's time to shine!
I really love a good curried cauliflower, like this one:
And I make an awesome fermented cauliflower pickle (if I do say so myself):
And cauliflower-focused vegetable medly salad was always my favorite growing up. I'm going to give this one a try:
For those that are sad about the end of broccoli season, I hope it's a consolation that there is still broccolini for the next several weeks, and that we'll have another couple rounds of broccoli when things cool down in the fall.
Our first eggplants are coming ready, and the cherry tomatoes are slowly ramping up. This probably calls for an awesome pasta recipe like this one:
You may notice a dirth of spinach this week, and probably for the next couple of weeks. It doesn't like the heat, and it got planted in some beds that turned out to be scary weedy. The beds for late July look great so hold tight for a couple of weeks and enjoy lettuce, or arugula in the meantime.
On the Farm
I drew angry suns on everyone's pay cheques this week. We started work early three days running, and did only the most essential of greenhouse tasks. It was so brutally hot and humid. But then it rained and everything is generally better now.
We are getting ready to start planting our fall brassica's next week, and then will move onto garlic harvest.
We're all a little shocked to be at this point in the season already. How is it going so fast?
We're also all pretty delighted with the eats coming out of the field, and can be found sneaking cherry tomatoes, laying claim to odd shaped cauliflower's, and adding edible flowers to every-damn-thing.
That's all for now, happy eating until next time.
Farmer Tamara