Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Lettuce Rejoice! August 3, 2023

Posted on July 28th, 2023 by Tamara McMullen

Lettuce Rejoice!
August 3, 2023
Summer Share Week 9

It’s the 9th week of the Summer Farm Share - thanks so much for joining us!

You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.

Here’s a how-to file:

If you run into any issues, please email , you can also reach out to me at 

Please return your cooler bags and binder clips each week - THANK YOU!!!



What’s in the Box?

Our sweet onions are incredibly delicious and abundant. 

The first of our 2023 garlic is on offer, as are the first new potatoes from Middlecamp farm, an organic and biodynamic farm in Kincardine, Ontario.  

The first of our slicing tomatoes and sweet peppers are starting to blush.  We don't have them on offer quite yet but they will make their debut soon.  



On the Farm

When my friends ask me how I’m doing I say: “Well, it’s July, I’m great for July.”

What that means is that there is more work than hours and that we might be doing that work in 30-degree heat and 90% humidity.  It means that there are SO MANY things that need to be picked daily (I’m looking at you zucchini), or every other day (and you green beans).  It means that the planting window is closing for many crops but the farm is so full of summer that we are racing to pull things out and squeeze things in.

It also means that I see butterflies and honeybees and goldfinches everywhere, that the flowers are laying their carpets of color, and that when I walk past the greenhouses I am surrounded by the heady scent of the roses I planted there this spring (I thought I was crazy at the time and now I’m pretty sure it was one of my best decisions). 

July is a glorious month, and an exhausting one, and I bid it farewell.  Good-bye July.   


That's all for now, happy eating until next time.

 Farmer Tamara