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Farm Happenings at Frey Family Farm
Farm Happenings - Stephanie's first crop!
Good morning everyone!
Stephanie's first herb crop is ready for harvest! She is offering Holy Basil as extras this week. Please find information below.
Herbal News and Upcoming Harvests &n1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 20, 2021
Good morning everyone!
Three of us ran the Mt. Rainier 1/2 Marathon yesterday! Evan, Emily, and myself. We had a great time, and I had the privilege of running Emily's first 1/2 with her.
This week we collard greens are starting to be ready! Peas have stopped flowering1 read more »
Flower share week 2
It's been windy for a week here at Perigee, but the flowers don't seem to mind. 'Orange Wonder' snapdragons are taking center stage at the moment, alongside the electric Nicotiana 'Lime Green,' a flowering tobacco that releases its intoxicating fragrance most strongly after dusk. Expect to see both1 read more »
Flower Share Week 1
. The first dahlia bloomed on Saturday; the first of 75 specimens in the garden border, which will soon be awash with vibrant colors and textures and a romance that only dahlias can provide. These will be the main attraction throughout the season, but I'm not sure you will see them this first week.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2021
Good afternoon everyone!
This week is a post of gratefulness. Grateful our weeds protected our crop during the heat so we now have crop to weed. Grateful some of our crop was not farther along or it may still have bolted. Grateful we can package lettuce leaves when some of our head lett1 read more »