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Farm Happenings at Great Country Farms
Farm Happenings for September 28, 2021
Spaghetti squash is here! Most of you will get a chance to cook with one of these versatile winter squash this week. If you've never cooked a spaghetti squash before, have no fear! This recipe here gives you the easiest way to cook your spaghetti squash to maximize its pasta-like structure.
Fr1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 21, 2021
This Wednesday marks the official start of Fall! What better way to celebrate than with a butternut squash? Most of you will be seeing one of these in your share this week so check out these fun ways to use this Autumn staple!
Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Sage Brown Butter
Butternut Squash and Le1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 14, 2021
Enjoy some Honey Gold apples in your shares this week! These are the same apples we use to make our caramel covered apples that are now available in the Farmer's Market! Be sure to grab one when you stop in to pack your share or pick your bonus.
Remember to check your Crop Talk email for more1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 7, 2021
We've been blessed with another beautiful week of great weather and bountiful harvests! Gala apples are in and tomatoes and potatoes are staying steady as well. Instead of dropping potatoes from your shares, store them in a cool dark place and continue to increase your supply so you're prepared for1 read more »