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Farm Happenings at Great Country Farms
Farm Happenings for July 28, 2020
In the next couple of weeks, you'll get a chance to explore different ways to use squash. The simplest way is slice it or chunk it and sautee it with plenty of onion for about ten minutes. Throw in some chopped kale and a can of black beans at about minute seven and you've got a nourishing dinner.&1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 21, 2020
The peaches are ripening fast. We try to pick them a couple of days shy of prime eating so they'll survive the trip home. If yours need more time, leave them on the counter for a couple of days. In this weather they will soften very quickly. If yours were compromised in transit, send an email to CS1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 14, 2020
The stone fruits continue to produce heavily. They will continue to ripen if you leave them in a paper bag on your kitchen counter. The squashes are also very prolific these days. The variety you may not recognize is called patty-pan. They can be used in the same way as other summer squashes. Corn1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 7, 2020
We have beautiful peaches coming in. We try to pick them just before peak ripeness, while they're still firm enough to survive the trip to your house. To finish the ripening process, leave them on your kitchen counter in their paper bag. If they're already soft, store them in the refrigerator. We h1 read more »