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Farm Happenings at Great Country Farms
Farm Happenings for July 27, 2021
The year's first apples come in this week. It's a variety called Pristine, perhaps because they're delicate. The look like Golden Delicious, but they're tarter and crisper. Their skin is very thin, so it's difficult to get them from the tree to your kitchen without a little bruising, but don't let1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 20, 2021
We have a large crop of cucumbers on our hands: 2300 will go into shares this week, and they will continue to arrive for a while yet. That being the case, you might consider making some pickles. If you want to keep them fresh in the refrigerator longer, wrap each cucumber in a paper towel, and then1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2021
We have two items in large quantity this week: plums and cucumbers. Some of the plums might need to ripen for a couple of days on your counter. If they're already soft, you might want to refrigerate them, or just eat them soon. The cucumbers should be refrigerated immediately. We expect to pick tho1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 6, 2021
The first picking of the first planting of green beans is going home this week. If you don't get beans in your share this week, rest assured that there should be many more to come, if they get enough rain. The same goes for this week's cucumbers -- the first picking of the first planting, with more1 read more »