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Farm Happenings at Harvest Thyme Farm
Farm Happenings for October 31, 2019
Another nice sunny fall day today to enjoy before those cooler late fall temperatures show up in the next few days! We've spent much of the past week tackling some general clean-up work around here (like moving 3,000+ lbs. of onions into our processing room; that's two tractor loads like in the abo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 24th
Hope everyone's enjoying the nice break in weather! Doesn't look like it'll be sticking around for much longer, but we'll take what we can get.
This week is the first fall delivery, which means a lot less boxes to pack. Our membership drops to around a third of what it is for the summer shares, so1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 17 & 18, 2019
Well, it's finally the last week of our main season shares! We know some of you will be joining us for the fall share, but we thought we'd recap the season while everyone's here.
If you are unsure if you signed up for the fall share, you can log into your account and click the Deliveries tab1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 10 & 11, 2019
Well, if we had any doubts about it being fall, they left with the frost that showed up by Saturday morning. We did cover some of the peppers and all of the outside lettuce just in case the forecast was wrong. We dealt with that all spring whenever we had a clear, cold night forecast - the forecast1 read more »