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Farm Happenings at Harvest Thyme Farm
Farm Happening for the Week of June 29th
It's amazing how every year it seems a switch gets flipped on for the farm. Two weeks ago all the crops felt like they were growing at a snails pace and we thought are they even going to make it. Customers at the market and members kept asking, "How are things growing?" and I would respond, "The cr1 read more »
Farm Happening for the Week of June 22nd
Well, it's our final week of saying it, but a big welcome to everyone that's joining us for the first time this week! If you want to catch up on some of our previous farm happenings, here's your chance:
Week of June 15th: https://www.harvie.farm/happenings/harvest-thyme-farm/15710/farm-happeni1 read more »
Farm Happening for the Week of June 15th
We've finally hit the first week of our main season, which means a lot of you are joining us for the first time this season, so welcome!
If you're just joining us or have missed either of the last two farm happenings, here are the links to catch up if you want to:
Last week's happening: https:1 read more »
Farm Happening for Week of June 8th
Hi everyone!
First off, if this is your first week, welcome! Here is a link to last week's farm happening if you want to start with that:
It's been a busy week around here; this nicer weather finally1 read more »