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Farm Happenings at Harvest Thyme Farm
Farm Happening for the week of August 31st, 2020
We've reached the last few days of August and it's hard to believe September is here already! As Brendan mentioned last week, fall is definitely in the air. From the change in weather this past weekend to harvesting all of the potatoes, it is coming and it is coming quickly. For me, I think this is1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 25, 2020
There's definitely no mistaking that fall's in the air, which is fitting given we're officially halfway through the main season! Between the cloudy days and the cooler temperatures, it sure looks like summer is slowly passing us by. For a farm full of fall-lovers and a crew looking at a less franti1 read more »
Farm Happening for the Week of August 17th
Hopefully everyone enjoyed the last bit of warm summer weather (for a couple weeks, anyways). While the warm weather always makes for nice mornings and evenings, working during the peak of the day tends to get a bit uncomfortable.
We used the past week to get a lot of catch up work done aroun1 read more »
Farm Happening for the Week of August 10th
Reminder - If you are looking to pre-order a farm t-shirt, you have until Saturday (August 15th) to do so. You can do so here - https://harvestthymefarmstand.square.site/ . We will be placing the order on the 16th and shirts will be packed in your Veggie Box when they arrive.
We1 read more »
Farm Happening for the Week of August 3rd
It's definitely that busy time of year around here, but at least we're getting some more normal weather! Harvesting has been taking the majority of our time at this point, though this past week was especially heavy with harvesting the roughly 5,000 garlic bulbs and around 1,000 pounds of red potato1 read more »