September is here and we’re celebrating YOU, our CSA community, all month long! Our CSA members are foundational to our work on the farm--you support us, you sustain us--and that's why we're offering you a 10% discount at all of our remaining pizza nights! Check your email for a coupon code to use when pre-ordering your pizza online. With only four pizza nights left in the season, we hope you can make it out to the farm at least once this month.
The growing season can be quite hectic, and we don’t get nearly as many opportunities as we would like to spend time face-to-face with CSA members. That’s why we love hosting our Friday pizza nights. It gives us a chance to say thanks AND it gives our CSA community a chance to come out and see where their food is grown. It's popular these days to "know your farmer," but we are CSA farmers because we believe it is equally important to have a connection to the people who eat our food, which is why we value the opportunity to put faces with the names on the boxes and hear about how you're using your farm share at home. So make plans to catch us at one of the four remaining pizza nights this season! Click here to pre-order and learn more.