Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Farm Happenings for Winter #1

Posted on December 3rd, 2021 by Stacey Taggart

Welcome to Winter Shares!  We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family.  Things are quieter around the farm these days but we were able to get all three hoophouses framed up before Thanksgiving.  We'll work on them here and there throughout the winter, as weather permits, and get them done in time for spring planting.  Much of the activity outside these days is in our old pumpkin patch were we grew the winter squashes and, of course, pumpkins.  The pigs are out there eating what's left and enjoying the feast!  I guess we could say they're having a Thanksgiving of their own!  Haha!  OFFERINGS THIS WEEK include HOMEGROWN Sweet Potatoes which we're really excited about.  It's taken us 4 years to get something harvestable but we've finally succeeded! :) Plus there's plenty of winter squash, potatoes, onions, and lots of cold hardy greens. Last but not least, Lizzy will be making Gingerbread cookies this week. We'll be using another "healthyish" recipe made with organic wheat flour, coconut sugar and blackstrap molasses.  Yum! :)