Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Please read, IMPORTANT info about your Meats!

Posted on May 26th, 2024 by Lindy Clark

Hello all!!

Regarding your meat! This is not bad info! We just want to make you aware that we have chicken as well as Boothill farms. The meat shares that you purchased when you signed up are Boothill meat shares(chicken, beef, and pork). Rick did have a shortage of chicken thighs for a couple weeks, so we supplemented with ours, but going forward the meat in those shares will come from his farm. We are going to be offering our chicken in the garden share which is the part that you are able to customize for each delivery. We'll also offer eggs in that share as we did last week for you to order in addition (in some cases) to your egg shares that were purchased earlier when you signed up. Speaking of eggs, last delivery we had a sign on our egg cooler that said the eggs were $4 and it definitely looked like we were trying to sell them. In reality, we were just trying to put out a label to let everyone know where the eggs were and all the eggs in the cooler had already been purchased. We will have a different label in the future so that it is less confusing!

We're all doing fantastic! Daisy just finished Kindergarten, and we're all looking forward to being out in the garden together as a family more! We currently have 3 batches of meat chicks roaming the farm, and we're enjoying the presence of two little kittens that just joined the homestead!


We're just getting into the second big planting spree that we'll have this year! We're going to be bed prepping and planting all of our tomatoes, Peppers, adding some onions, and starting a couple things from seed! It'll be a busy week! Thankfully Ben and I will both be home this week so that we can get as much done as possible!

Because we'll be spending every possible moment outside, we won't be offering bread for this delivery, but we will have pickled radishes, sauerkraut, kimchi and hummus as well as regular radishes, greens, power greens and kale and most of the other things we've previously offered!

We're so excited to have more things going into the ground and to be able to offer more delicious food in our shares in the near future!


We're still so amazed that we have this incredible opportunity to grow good food and feed good people! Thank you for letting us be a part of your daily routines in such a delicious way!



Your Farmers Ben and Lindy Clark