Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Feels like summer! Extra summer shares?!

Posted on June 8th, 2024 by Lindy Clark

Hello all!

We have been so so busy putting all the plants in the ground! It's been so nice to be outside and getting things done! We're slowly getting through the planting and we've been getting weeding done as well as a bunch of other things that we're working on! It has been wonderful! The girls adore being outside all day playing in the water and playing with our new kittens! We're getting ramped up for farmers market season which starts the first Saturday in July! Right around the corner! Time has just flown by!


We are thinking that we'll have a signup here in the next few weeks for off week deliveries! Turns out we've got a ton of stuff in the garden that we could be sharing with you all, so we're going to make that happen! Currently, if you're signed up for summer deliveries, you'll be receiving a delivery every other week, if you're interested in more fresh produce, I'll be working on getting that set up next week so that you can sign up soon!


This week's delivery is going to be delicious as usual! our first crop of radishes went to seed, and the second crop is not quite big enough for picking, so we'll have those for you in two weeks. The lettuce, kale and chard are doing fantastic, so we'll have more of those on the docket this week. We'll also have bread this week as well as hummus and sauerkraut and kimchi. We still have a bunch of rhubarb, and as always, chicken breast and thighs with the nice surprise of chicken wings! Perfect for a summer barbecue!


If anyone is looking for a way to do some service or just brake up the monotony of the summer, feel free to come on down to the farm, we always have something going on that we could use help with! We would also be happy to take folks on a farm tour to see the animals and the plants! It's always fun to see where your food comes from!


See you soon!


-Your farmers, Ben and Lindy Clark