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Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
Getting ready for fall!
It was a busy, busy week this past week harvesting plus continuing our fall plantings. We're prepping and planting several areas of our garden for cover croppings to "rest" them... Since we've had such a bad pest and disease year, we know that that is one way to break the pest and disease cyc1 read more »
Worth the wait...
We're finally starting to get more and more tomatoes ripening! We have some big beautiful ones out there, we just need them to turn red! Haha! It's hard to guestimate exactly how many we'll have ripened so we'll put all we have in the Summer Smorgasboard. Also in the Sm1 read more »
Patience, they say, is a virtue...
Then we're not feeling very virtuous right now... Haha! :) That is because our tomato plants are teasing us!! Every week they're giving us just enough to feel like the next week we'll be in full production... and we've been thinking that for the past 3 weeks! So friends, we1 read more »
Gooood Morning!
It's the heat of the summer and we're feeling it! We're getting up before the sun to beat the heat... good thing we're already morning people! Haha! ;) In other news, the garden is starting to reach its stride... Cucumbers are on well, hot peppers are starting to go strong, bell peppers are ripenin1 read more »
Summer Full Swing Boogie
Our farming friends down in Cedar City (who are such an inspiration to us with our farm and garden) coined the term "Summer Full Swing Boogie"... and that's the perfect way to describe life right now!! Working out in the garden with all the varying elements - weather, pests, children, our hea1 read more »
Wow! July already!
While we can't believe it's already July, we're excited because the tomatoes are coming on!! We had a few pounds to share this week and should have more this week too as an option to choose at pickup in the Summer Smorgasbord offering. While I personally don't enjoy the heat so much, it1 read more »
Happy Independence Day!!
First of all, we wish everyone a fun and safe holiday weekend! There's lots to celebrate!! One of which is that our garden is slowly getting warmed up for the summer and we're seeing more and more cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers every day! The waiting is the hardest par1 read more »
It's onion season!
We planted thousands of onions earlier this spring with the help of many volunteers. And now it's time to start harvesting them! Right now they are small and sweet, and we're giving them to you with the greens still attached. Chop off the greens when you get home and reserve them1 read more »
Here comes summer!
The first "official" day of Summer is Tuesday, the 21st. And just about on schedule are many of our summertime favorite veggies like zucchini, summer squash, and cucumbers which are starting to produce. It usually takes them a week or two to find their groove though so this week you can choos1 read more »