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Seedling Sale April 25

Posted on April 20th, 2020 by Ilene Freedman
House in the Woods Farm Seedling Sale is Saturday April 25. Of course, as CSA members, we've got you covered on garden-fresh produce, but some members still plant a garden and personalize their CSA selections to supplement what they are harvesting at home. If you don't have a garden, you might enjoy setting up a couple large containers for cherry tomatoes. There is nothing like picking cherry tomatoes at home! Contact me if you have some gardening questions.
Seedling Sale Saturday April 25, 10am-2pm
House in the Woods Farm
2225 Park Mills Road, Adamstown, MD 21710 
text/call Ilene at 301-461-6575
We encourage pre-orders to facilitate social distancing. To place your order, go to We'll have your plants ready for you, on sale day or set another pickup date with Ilene. 
Due to COVID-19, we will have precautions in place for walk-in customers on sale day. Join us Sat April 25 10am-2pm for our open-air plant sale. Bring your mask and set a box in your car for your plants. Try to bring exact change or plan to PayPal or make an online payment. We will be limiting the sale table to one family at a time, but you can look around the farm while waiting.
Also, please Subscribe to our new farm newsletter at for farm news, blog posts, and plant sale updates. Happy gardening!