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Order your share of the harvest for October 8, 2020

Posted on October 4th, 2020 by Ilene Freedman

Our first Post-Season Virtual Farm Stand! For CSA members, this will be just like customizing your share, it's just Pay-As-You-Go each week we offer Farm Stand. For everyone, this is a great opportunity to try out our CSA and purchase our organic produce, all grown on our farm:  sweet potatoes, heirloom white potatoes, kale, lettuce, peppers, eggplant, arugula, fresh scallions, tomatoes, garlic, butternut squash, patty pan squash, pie pumpkins and more. We sell select items at The Common Market; our full variety is only available through our weekly online Farm Stand.


Order before 8am on Wednesday. Pickup on Thursday or Friday October 8-9, 9am-7pm. Contact Ilene if you need other arrangements. See you on the farm!


Fall on the farm brings a replay of cool-loving spring crops like arugula and scallions, with others to come. Toss them in a salad with our crisp lettuce. We also hang on to tomatoes, peppers and eggplant as long as the temps allow. Then there are the season's stars: baked pie pumpkin, butternut squash and sweet potatoes. So many uses. You can use pureed butternut as a substitution in any pumpkin recipe, even pie. Roasted potatoes and garlic. The patty pan squash are somewhere in between a summer squash and a winter squash--they have the texture of a yellow squash, but they are storing well. You might want to peel them, as their skins are growing tougher than a couple months ago. I've been sauteeing the patty pan with garlic and serving it alongside everything, but it also mixes in great with stir-fries or scrambled eggs. Enjoy the fresh bounty while it lasts!


CSA renewals and new signups will begin by next week! We so very much appreciate your support of our farm and the direct customer-farmer relationship that we nurture as a community. 

photo credit: Stefanie Levy