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Farm Happening for July 8, 2021

Posted on July 5th, 2021 by Ilene Freedman


Have you noticed a crop in the Veggie Shed that wasn’t available to you on Harvie? Take, for example, green peppers. There are limited shares available, as their harvest begins. When this happens, the shares go straight into some boxes and there might not be any available to swap. Rest assured, the harvest will increase soon and there will be peppers for everyone. This may happen this week with the first of the tomatoes. There will be plenty next week though.

EGGS...There was an hour during pickup without eggs in the frig, between deliveries. If you bought eggs but there weren’t any in the frig, please message me so I can credit you. (Sorry about that!)


Many of you have asked me about the shady arbor over the Veggie Shed. Yes, it produces fruit! In fact, it is pretty heavily laden with fruit right in the doorway. I am resisting clipping it there, but will either need to add some trellising or trim it down in the doorway. It is a Northern Hardy Kiwi. Here is a Mother Earth News blog post I wrote about it:


Easy salads and sandwiches make the best summertime lunches. As farmers, we are used to eating whole foods right in the garden, or bringing them home for minimal cooking and prep. Salads and sandwiches fit the bill and are elevated by the freshest organic produce. Try it out for yourself! Here are two “oldie but goodie” posts from the House in the Woods blog recipes to inspire you. Go to to peruse the recipe files.


Did you notice your harvest bag is getting heavier? Bulky spring greens are making way for heavier summer crops, like squash, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers and dense round cabbages. And the first tomatoes are coming in! Plenty for everyone very soon. We will harvest the garlic row this week and let the garlic cure in the breeze for a few weeks before adding it to shares. We have to harvest squash and cucumbers every other day. Enjoy them! Grill patty pan and zucchini by slicing into long zuke slices or big patty pan circles, marinate in olive oil and fresh (or dried) herbs, then grill. If you set the long zukes across the slabs, they won’t fall through. And those patty rounds are the perfect shape for the grill. Grilled squash go great in pasta, sandwiches, or as a side.


Nick's eggs for sale. Pasture ranged organic eggs. Order your dozen in the Extras.