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Farm Happenings for September 1, 2022

Posted on August 29th, 2022 by Ilene Freedman

Woah September already?? The garden draws our attention forward. We are harvesting more lettuce this week, despite the heat, thanks to Phil's determination to plant lettuce all summer. How did you like sweet potato greens? A welcome dark leafy in late summer. I want to call them sweet potato spinach. Cook the leaves like spinach, discard the stems. Enjoy watermelon while it lasts! What a bountiful crop it has been. Looking forward, the butternut squash are nice and big. They need more time on the vine to cure, right on schedule. A deer or groundhog munched on some of our sweet potato leaves, setting them back a bit. They grew new leaves after Phil covered them for protection. We are monitoring the growth of the sweets. Hopefully they will grow fast! But patience is a virtue in the garden. 


Try Indian dishes for eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes. A nice curry over rice, perhaps? Google can help you. I'll be doing the same thing, share on our facebook page what you come up with!  

I grilled red peppers on the grill and oh my! So easy and delicious. Brush with olive oil. set on grill whole or halves. Turn often until skins are blackened. They peel off easily. The flat squashy red peppers are pimento peppers. They are particularly good cooked or roasted, but also great raw. We like how they turn red before bell peppers, so we grow a lot of pimentos. Enjoy!