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Farm Happenings for September 15, 2022

Posted on September 11th, 2022 by Ilene Freedman


Red Peppers! The bell peppers ripen to red more REDily in the fall. So many red peppers! The flat ones are pimento peppers. They are great raw or cooked. We add red peppers in everything. This is a good week to double up on peppers. 


September brings slimmer U-PICKS but still pretty good. U-PICK flowers are like harvesting joy. Take home some this week. The zinnias are fading, their colors are more heathered now. Brighten up your bouquet with the bright cockscomb (celosia). The red ones look like rippling velvet and the purple ones look like fox tails. They make great accents to your bouquet all season, but this time of year, they might be more a highlight as the zinnia's slow down. Candy Lane, full of cherry tomatoes, is slim pickings. Rain splits the skins and the tomatoes drop to the ground. Ripening has slowed way down. But keep an eye out for ripe ones and keep picking. The Bean Hut still has some beans for the picking. The fatter ones just need a quick steam and they are delicious.  

The Kiwi Arbor

I’ve been showing many of you the fruit growing over your heads as you duck into the Veggie Shed. This arbor is Northern Hardy Kiwi. Over the next couple weeks, the fruit will soften and sweeten. Look for a wrinkly squishy one and you will be surprised by how kiwi-esque it is! I will keep you posted.

Read more about it here.

Note: an update to the kiwi gender identities. Our very own biology professor volunteer, Tracey, was able to confirm for us what we suspected--that the additional females we planted were actually male plants. She showed us the different flowers for the male and female plants.