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Farm Happenings for October 20, 2022

Posted on October 17th, 2022 by Ilene Freedman


Sweet Potato Dig Event info --sign up here or reply back if you are planning to join us, so I have an idea of the numbers. Or just show up!

Text duplicated here, for adaptive audio and screen meters:

Welcome to Fall Share! I love the greens of the cool fall months, as well as the continued storage crops. Summer crops are diminishing, with a bit of tomatoes and eggplant still ripening.


The fall season brings us more greens reminiscent of the spring season--this week we have bok choy, lettuce, arugula, and limited collards, kale and tatsoi (Asian spinach). Greens love the cool temps of spring and fall, with a milder flavor in fall as we get cooler temps.

Bok choy is like celery and greens all in one. You can use them like edible spoons, scooping rice or hummus. Chop them and combine with tatsoi and scallions and shredded carrots for an Asian salad or stir-fry. Yes, Great raw or sauteed. And a milder flavor in the cool fall months than in the spring months.

We are finally digging sweet potatoes! A late crop but let's get it out of the ground together. Saturday October 22 at 10am til noon, we will dig sweet potatoes. It is like treasure hunting for all ages. Get your hands in the fresh cool soil. A great even for kids and adults alike. Join us Saturday!

Thursdays 3pm-7pm

Fridays 9am-1pm

Saturdays 10am-12pm


Last CSA Main Season: Sept 29/Oct 1

Fall Extension share goes through November 19