We've got some nice summer crisp lettuce coming to you this week :) Summer lettuce requires a lot of extra work: choosing the right varieties are the main key to getting lettuce to grow in the summer. Batavian or Summer Crisp are what they are called and there are several varieties within that category, we've learned which perform best for us through trials. Secondly, the plants need shade for at least the first couple of weeks to help them get established, so we have to construct small tunnels over the plants to hold shade cloth on. Thirdly, they need plenty of water, ideally drip and overhead sprinklers; the drip keeps them hydrated and the sprinklers helps cool them off in the hottest parts of the day. Plus there are the fast growing summer weeds we have to stay on top of, or plant them on landscape fabric, which we try to do so we don't have to weed.
We try to keep arugula going all summer too but because we've been short on labor the past few weeks we've missed a few plantings that would have allowed us to keep it going every week through the summer. Its typically a cool weather crop but will grow in the heat if given plenty of water and if sown frequently so that it can be cut before it gets too big and spicy. Arugula grown in hot weather has a hot flavor, you may have noticed!