We hope y'all are enjoying these carrots! I bought carrots from the grocery store this summer when we didn't have any of ours and I could not BELIEVE how tasteless they were. I had to cook with them, none of us could eat them raw.
Please DON'T PEEL the carrots you get in your share..... or any of our root crops, unless there's a bad/rough spot that needs to be cut off. You'll just be tossing nutrients. A good scrub is all these need, esp the carrots. You don't want to waste any of their precious sweetness!
Also, the carrot tops made a really yummy pesto! Truly, I like it just as much as basil pesto. Another idea is to save them for homemade stock. I collect leftover bones from meats, edible mushroom stems, and flavorful greens like carrot tops in a freezer bag. Then when its full I make bone broth.
Only 2 weeks left after this one for farm shares! We hope you're all savoring this lovely weather.
grateful for you supporters that make this farm possible,
Jenny, Chris, and JJF crew