We hope y'all are enjoying these carrots! I bought carrots from the grocery store this summer when we didn't have any of ours and I could not BELIEVE how tasteless they were. I had to cook with them, none of us could eat them raw.
Please DON'T PEEL the carrots you get in your share..... or any of our root crops, unless there's a bad/rough spot that needs to be cut off. You'll just be tossing nutrients. A good scrub is all these need, esp the carrots.
Also, the carrot tops make a really yummy pesto! Truly, I like it just as much as basil pesto. Another idea is to save them for homemade stock. I collect leftover bones from meats, edible mushroom stems, and flavorful greens like carrot tops in a freezer bag. Then when its full I make bone broth by simmering for 24 + hours with few tbsp. vinegar to help break down the bones, few garlic cloves, peppercorns, etc.
Only 1 week left after this one for farm shares! We hope you're all savoring this lovely weather. We sure are!
grateful for you supporters that make this farm possible,
Jenny, Chris, and JJF crew