Well, it sure does feel like summer. The heat is on, and the thunderstorms have been rolling across the sky. Last night's storm brought the farm 2 inches of rain, which means today's harvest was a bit muddy. We pride ourselves in providing a clean product, but harvests like today's can be difficult. Mud likes to find it's way into those gorgeous lettuce heads! All of your produce is washed, but we do recommend washing your produce again before eating.
We have four different types of head lettuce that are all ready at once. With all of the rain and heat, these beauties won't hold well in the field. We have iceburg, butterhead, mini romaine, and oakleaf. Each variety is unique in texture and flavor and has an ideal use. (They are all delicious!) Iceburg is crisp and mild - perfect for a wedge salad. Butterhead is tender and sweet - we like to use the leaves as lettuce cups for egg salad. The mini romaine is crunchy with a mild bite - great on a burger or sandwich. Oakleaf is tender and mild - our preferred lettuce for making a bowl of salad. These lettuces are so refreshing and taste so good in the heat!
In more exciting news - the strawberries are ripe! Just in time for tomorrow's Strawberry Shortcake Social. (Hope to see you there!)
Enjoy the heat!
Your Farmers,
Craig and Lauren