Happy belated Fourth of July!
Your farmers have been enjoying an extended visit from family. In addition to taking time to go for a swim and have evening campfires, it means we've had extra help - watching our kids, in the kitchen, and in the field.
Gabriella (our daughter who is 2.5 years) adores her cousins. This visit, she has particularly enjoyed sharing the strawberry patch with them. Yesterday morning, we had the joy of transplanting with Craig's brother's family, including our niece and nephew. We planted 2 whole beds of cauliflower with the kids. (We were impressed by their attention span.) It was a hot job, but they listened well to directions and even enjoyed the work. Our niece even said that she might want to be a farmer when she grows up.
Moments like this are a beautiful reminder of why we do the work that we do.
In other news - this week is the first week we are offering peas. Sadly, we will not have sugar snap peas this year. There was a mix up on the seed company's end, and our sugar snap peas are actually snow peas. On the bright side, there are plenty of snow peas!
Your Farmers,
Craig & Lauren