Farm Happenings at Meadowlark Community Farm
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Summer Share: Week 3

Posted on June 18th, 2021 by Lauren and Craig Kreutzer

It rained! Your farmers (and the veggies) are all soaking in the 1.5 inches of rain that we received last night. 

Some exciting 2021 season firsts in this week's offerings - sugar snap peas, broccoli, garlic scapes, strawberries, baby golden beets, and the first of the bunching greens. We are continuing to harvest the most beautiful head lettuces. It is amazing to think about all that these tender heads have been through - a super late frost, a few weeks of not enough rain, a week of unseasonably warm temperatures, and then last night's downpour. Another lesson in the resiliency of life brought to us by growing produce. 

We believe that the last frost negatively impacted our strawberries. This may be the only week that they are in the shares. We wish that there were more to share! 

Have a beautiful father's day weekend! 

Your farmers,
Craig, Lauren, and the Meadowlark family and crew