Happy summer! We have another bountiful share for you this week. Be sure to check out the mushrooms available from Hidden Valley Mushrooms.
This week's veggie offerings are full of crops from the chenopod family - baby spinach, beta blend, barese chard, beets. These crops can be enjoyed raw or cooked. (Farmer Craig prefers his chenopods raw.) If you think that you don't like beets, try them raw in a salad. The beautiful beta blend includes baby beet and chard greens - we love to add it to our salads or quickly sauté them to eat along with our breakfast eggs.
The brassicas (which include radishes, salad turnips, broccoli, kohlrabi, kale) are enjoying the cooler temperatures. The kohlrabi are large, but still crisp and delicious. Broccoli is in full swing, and we harvested a whole bed of the most beautiful salad turnips.
Snow peas are making an appearance this week - and more sugar snap peas will be on the way. We are savoring this early summer bounty and patiently awaiting the peak summer crops. The first cucumber and summer squash harvests will be here any day now.
Happy eating!
Your farmers,
Craig, Lauren, and the Meadowlark family and crew