A sleepy slow Labour Day weekend on this side of the fence. We worked in the field .. but not giving permission to enjoy the luxury of meandering today. It has actually been really nice with the breeze. Going to get to share a supper with some people who are near and dear so I thought ahead and decided to connect with you folks first.
Our tomatoes this year are particularily spendid and abundant. They are with us only a few short weeks and you never know what kind of weather September will bring so please make use of them while you can. We are trying to spread out the harvest by picking them at what is called the breaker stage so that they will ripen at a slower pace with less risk to damage. If memory serves I've already told you that we are trying that. It is actually working really great. The only thing better would be a cool storage so we could slow up the ripening even further and let us extend the season just that much longer. I always think if we can keep tomatoes around for the Thanksgiving share it has been a good season. We have limped along without the benefit of planned state of art washing station and cold storage. Still working on all of that. Time yet so you never know what will happen :-)
The broccoli, cabbage and winter squash are all on pace. The beet beds have gotten a little lost to weeds but they are still 'there' last I looked. Every season, in my mind, there are things to do better next year. Ofcourse that sometimes works to my disadvantage and I overcompensate ...and NEXT season I have enough beets to feed a small city. That being said, you are not an insignificant group and wow..do you ever go through your veggies! As the one responsible filling the boxes it is a little alarming. People thought we were crazy to plant as much stuff as we did but we'll get through it with precious little left over. Very gratifying and to see the things you are making...wow!! Incredible dishes. Really nice.
Savour the last of the day and as always, your encouragments and comments are always appreciated.