Farm Happenings at Mike's Garden Harvest
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Farm Happenings for October 7, 2024 - the potato edition

Posted on October 5th, 2024 by Mike Milsom

This has been a most interesting season to be sure.  Dancing around the rain that came from May through July played with our planting dates.  

I have never bought more potato seed than I did this year....and it sat in the trailer waiting for its' moment to get planted.  

Then it waited some more.

I think it was sometime in July when we finally got a window. We filled up the truck...hooked up to our planter and out we went. Day turned into evening, turned into night. There we were.  All the lights on in the houses across the river had long gone out and we just kept moving along, foot by foot, row by row.

Then suddenly there was a rumble and a flash in the sky in the distance. No worries.

We kept going and then the rumble got closer and the flash was brighter.  

All the lights in the homes across the river started turning back on. In hindsight, that should have been a clue.

We were about 8 rows from being done.  We still have time...

FLASH!!!  The field turned to daylight for glimpse of a second and the ground shook with the rumble.  

Ok...that's it!! Everyone... move, move, move!!!

We got everything out of the field and barely managed to get to the greenhouse when the skies opened and the deluge just dumped on us. Kind of exhilerating....

So we have potatoes. Just in time for Thanksgiving! The ones we have dug look really nice. Which is kind of amazing given all the circumstances. I have no idea as of yet how many there are ... we will be digging today and we shall see.  A perenial fave so it will be fun to have them in this week's share.  

So long as it doesn't

