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Farm Happenings at Mike's Garden Harvest
Farm Happenings for October 19, 2021 - The Fall Finale
This is the first morning that actually feels like there is fall in the air. I did a walk to check my squash counts. It was wet, cold and the air was clear. Quite beautiful with all the colors.
This, as you know is the final week of our 16 week summer/fall season CSA season. It was an experie1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 12, 2021 - And the Beat goes on and on..and..
Over the past weeks we have talked about the many parts that make the operation whole.
The membership that helps fund, the staff and volunteers that lean in and the farm dog who keeps an ever watchful eye. With the potato harvest being front and centre now would be a good time to shine a ligh1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 5, 2021 - an ode to the farm dog
You will see at least one on every farm you go to.
Typically they are the first to greet you. Sometimes friendly and sometimes..well not so much. Much like myself in that
Seemingly part wild and part domestic I speak of course of the farm dog.
They play an impo1 read more »