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Farm Happenings at Mike's Garden Harvest
Farm Happenings for September 28, 2021 - A message in a mushroom.
I looked out my window Friday morning and there it was. Grown by the light of this week's full moon.
I've only seen one once before, years ago now and this one was huge. Freaky huge. Like some alien life form had landed and taken residence.
Compelled, I walked up to it slowly and just stared1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 21, 2021 - the week that was
Well... THAT happened.
What a week!! First I decide to get creative and ambitious with the share contents and we elect to offer up a wider than ususal selection of herbs during the dog end part of the season for them. THEN, I compound the felony by deciding it would be nice to inc1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 14, 2021 The Hot and 'Spicy&Spicy' edition
As this September evokes some new routines for many of us, it is only prudent that we change the menu up a little bit :-)
Just like it is with students in the classroom, a farmer will tell you that every vegetable has its' own personality. Radishes are the 'fast aquaintances', Lettuce i1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 7, 2021 - 'Some say tomato, others say pomodoro'
Not a common sight in this part of the world, but last night, here at the farm, I watched one of our gardeners happily carrying out her harvest which was artfully balanced on her head. She is African ofcourse. I found myself musing, "I know about people but I wonder where all of our vegetables have1 read more »