Farm Happenings at Mike's Garden Harvest
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Farm Happenings for October 21, 2024 - Week 16, The Lunar edition

Posted on October 19th, 2024 by Mike Milsom

Hosting the general public, who are inclined to come onto the farm, does make for some unique, impromtu converations.  Perhaps no more so than last night.

Pulling into the dark parking lot, was the barely visible figure of a man standing in the middle of it. He was an elderly gentleman, set up with his telescope and camera.  He humbly introduced himself, asking if I minded because he was very excited to see the night's sky.

Sure. Why not. Ofcourse.

Introductions hastily made, he enthusiastically pointed to the night's sky.  

"THERE!" Can you see it?

It took a moment, but yes, easily mistaken for a star or an airplane, was in fact a moving comet. Tail and all. From behind me I could here him setting focusing up his gear.  "That is the "C/2023 A3  Very rare.  Last time it passed the earth this closely was 80,000 years ago." 

He was still fidgetting with his equipment when 'A3' disappeared from view.  I turned to ask him where it went, when I caught my breathe! There, slowly ascending, was the most incredible Hunter's moon. Spellbinding, slowly turning from orange to white.

We admired it together for a time, then with the cool of the night setting he, shook my hand, packed up his gear and drove off. 

Had it not been for him, I would have missed it.

Between solar, lunar eclipses, satellite launches and comets, it really has been quite the season. It seems somewhat poetic to start the season watching the sun and ending it with a full moon.

It has been a unique season for sure.  I truly hope you have enjoyed it and thank you for your part in it. Had it not been for you, we would have missed it.

There is quite a bit of farm news on the immediate horizon, but for the moment, I will let you get on with customizing your share.  Quite a bit to choose from. 

Enjoy -)
