Alex Marshall is one very interesting cat. By day, a mild mannered geographer employed by StatsCan. When he is not pouring over geo-technical data, this father and now raised two sons along with his wife Alison are all out touring on their bikes. Huge distances and big adventures. It is a lifetime passion.
It was early in the spring two years ago, when I got a very short but intelligently crafted letter of introduction from a man who wanted to use a bicycle to deliver our vegetables. Curious, I made what proved to be been one of the ten best calls I have ever made on behalf of the farm.
As anyone who has had any involvement with logistics knows, it is not for the faint of heart. Getting something, somewhere in good shape and on time is a lot trickier than one might think. Particularily if what you are moving is perishable and your brand is based on your product being fresh. These challenges are not lost on Alex but the more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that there has to be a better, more efficient and earth friendlier way. Born from this conviction, marrying his professional expertise with his passion, Marshall's Bike Delivery has been created.
We were excited to work with Mr. Marshall, who has generously given of his time and expertise to help re-structure and organize our awkward routing. Within the large daily routes that you see, he has carefully created a series of micro delivery hubs available to us that can be executed on bike. The ultimate vision being a truck dropping off at the hub which is expediently and efficiently then distributed by bike to your home in a timely fashion. Currently he is doing the lion's share of our Friday delivery.
Alex's inspired way of thinking is a motivation and we are very proud to have him alongside. Long may he ride!
Vegetables are really looking great. The growing weather has been amazing. We hope you enjoy :-)