Well...it happened. For the first time in 10 years someone other than us were placing your farm fresh vegetables on your doorstep. The drivers all seemed nice and we were actually well organized. Certainly we had our favorites and when they came back the next day they were given a warm welcome....and given this past week's heat...that is saying something :-p
Contractors were also alongside this week working in the very space we were trying to pack in. Gigantic holes carved out of the trailers and throughways created to allow for efficient passage from one trailer to the next. Rachel and our newest addition Sandra in the magical ambience that was sawzalls, pounding hammers and power drills steeped in 32 degrees C became a close knit team.
At long last, the packing station and wash station that we have dreamed is starting to evolve and become a reality. The miles of drip tape are doing their job conveying water in a timely fashion to the wanting roots keeping everything happy in the field.
Somehow I felt the picture of an emerging potato plant through the clumps of clay is the perfect analogy for where we are at. There will be an email to watch for just with some csa FAQ's over the weekend.
More to choose from this week. Enjoy :-)