Happy summer solstice!
I remember celebrating the winter solstice around Christmas time, marveling that the light was coming into the world even as we entered some of the coldest months of winter.
Now, as we enter the hottest months of the year the solstice marks the shortening of the daylight hours and the slow retreat of the sun. In line with this, we are already beginning to seed our fall crops in the greenhouse - broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi.
But although the solstice marks the shortening of days, it also marks the start of summer! This summer feels particularly long-awaited, somehow, probably after months of isolation during the end of winter and the start of spring. We all need a chance to get outside and feel warm and care-free. And we are beginning to see summer out in the field. This week we get to harvest some of the plants we seeded very early on in the greenhouse - broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. The first of our peas are also ready (limited availability for now but soon we'll be swimming in them). Although our spring crops with their abundance of greens are still in full force, we have this week our first cucumbers (limited availability, so you might not see them this week, but rest assured your time will come!), and our zucchinis will be following soon. Tomatoes are beginning to blush with colour and we've been able to eat a few here and there! Spring and summer are beginning to come together out there.

First to ripen are our pickling cukes! They are so sweet when eaten fresh. The skin is a bit thick so you might want to peel it.

This yellowing on the cauliflower is normal. But, normally, growers wrap the leaves around the cauliflower to keep it blanched or white. We didn't get around to that for all our cauliflower this year, but lesson learned. Rest assured it doesn't impact the flavour. We had a delicious cauliflower salad this afternoon!

Lucy the dog showing off our beets, which we have three varieties of - red, golden, and chiogga or candy-stripe.
We are resplendent with radishes right now! I wanted to let you know a bit about our different varieties.
French Breakfast - these heirlooms are long radishes with white tips on the end. They became popular in Paris markets when they were introduced in the late 1800s. They are sometimes milder than the standard round radish we are more familiar with, but essentially they are the same beyond their shape.
Cherry Belle - our standard red radish
Easter Egg - these are a mix of different coloured radishes. You might see red, pink, white, or even yellow.
It has been so wonderful meeting/reconnecting with all of you over the last two weeks. We love hearing your feedback and seeing your pictures on social media. You guys are the best! Hope you enjoy week #3.
Your farmers
Kim and Alex