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Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
Veggie Share - Week 3
With the summer solstice behind us, and temperatures rising, it really feels like we are finally in the land of summer. We are finally setting up the irrigation in our field - it feels a little funny that this is now a concern, after the wettest spring ever! Even as I write this, the wind is pickin1 read more »
Veggie Share - Week 2
Thanks for a great first week, everyone! It was so awesome to meet everyone last week, and we're looking forward to meeting anyone who we haven't yet this week!
Every Monday morning, we go for a field walk to see how things are doing and to estimate what and how much we will have to harvest for the1 read more »
Veggie Share - Week 1
Wow - a long and winding road has finally led us here, to our first week of our CSA (Veggie Share) at our new farm. When we left our rented land in Orangeville at the end of the Fall of 2016, we had a lot of bittersweet feelings. It was hard to let go of everything we had built there. Literally, we1 read more »