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Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
Farm Happenings for June 29, 2023
In our online store this week we have: salad mix, beets, carrots, garlic scapes, large and mini cabbages, radish, Bok Choy, kohlrabi, kale, chard, spring onions, herbs and more!
Featured Item: Garlic Scapes! These are available only for a limited time. They're delicious grilled or made into p1 read more »
Farm Share 2023 Week 4 - PEAS!
Farm friends - this might be my favourite Week 4 since we started here in 2019.
There is just so much abundance out there, tons of variety and plenty for everyone!
For example: shelling peas, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, zucchini, beets, carrots, scapes, chard, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, romaine lettu1 read more »
Farm Share 2023 Week 3: Garlic Scapes!
Welcome to week 3 of the Farm Share! We've got a TON of veggies available this week, make sure to customize your share to see the whole variety!
What's Happening on the Farm
This week we are planting our 3rd succession of beans, our 3rd succession of carrots, and our 4th succession of spring onion1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 15, 2023
Our online store is open for orders! What a great way to guarantee the veggies you want. We ran out of salad mix in the store this weekend (though we will be stocking more this week for sure!).
New this week is kohlrabi and salad turnips! read more »
Farm Share 2023 Week 2: Embrace the Kohlrabi
Week 2 of the Farm Share is here!
For bi-weekly members who are starting this week; welcome!
If you are just starting this week: Please read last week's newsletter here for important information about how our Farm Share works including directions, pick up times, green bags, and so o1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 9, 2023
This is our first main online store offering of the season! Order what you'd like and we'll pack it up for you for pick up or delivery.
(If you have a Farm Share with us, ignore this email! You have a share already and can customize it up until Tuesday at midnight)
Kale, Bok Choy, salad mix, spinac1 read more »
Farm Share 2023 Week 1: It Begins!
Welcome to the first week of our 2023 Farm Share!
The big week has finally arrived and we are EXCITED!!!
I like to take this time each year to thank you for signing up. Your membership fuels our farm! With your early financial support, we are able to purchase the many items we need to buy each spri1 read more »