Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2024 Fall Farm Share Week 6: The End of the 2024 Farm Share Season!

Posted on November 30th, 2024 by Kim Barker

Welcome to Week 6 of the Fall Farm Share: It's the Final Week of the 2024 Farm Share Season

It is a surreal feeling to come to the end of what has been an incredible amount of time, physical and mental energy, planning and strategizing, perseverance and grind. I suppose it doesn't really feel like "the end", because our work as market gardeners is never really done. It simply changes as the seasons do. Harvesting and planting is replaced by fixing, maintenance, building projects, collecting firewood, drainage work, marketing, accounting, and planning for next season. And with our new greenhouses extending our season, we are still harvesting on a weekly basis, so that's not really over either! But the change is welcome; constant movement and change of tasks is a big part of why we love this work. 

The first planting of the 2024 season (spinach), and the final planting (garlic). Still smilin'! 

Thank You For Being Part of Our Farm This Season

We are so thankful for your support. I don't always to get to meet all our members, especially those who get delivery. But I do print out labels every week and your names are familiar to me. Every time I read the names on these labels I am thankful that each individual has made the choice to commit to a weekly or biweekly bag of produce from us. I am thankful because I know it is a very deliberate choice that is a bit of a leap of faith, a step into the unknown, an extra expense, and it takes some work and effort. This is your gift to us and we do our best to deliver something to match that. Thank you for driving our ability to do what we love and giving us the faith to keep going. 

How You Can Continue to Get Our Produce This Winter

Each year, as our farm grows and develops, we get closer and closer to our farm significantly supporting our family financially. This season, we expanded our summer and fall share membership and expanded our delivery zone.  Another way we are going to expand this year is to keep our Farm Store open all year! Usually, we close at Christmas but we are going to keep the store open year round. We will keep it stocked with our storage crops, fresh greens from the greenhouses as long as that lasts, locally-grown organic produce that we don't grow which we will purchase, pasture-raised meats and other frozen goods, preserves, and so on. This way, we can continue to serve our community by providing a source for local & organic food year round! 

Store Hours: Currently our hours are Thursday 3pm-7pm, Friday - Monday 9am-7pm. We'll let you know if this changes :) We are installing lights and insulating the store so it will be accessible even in the winter. 


Stock Up This Week: What's Available 

We are bringing in potatoes (russet and red), onions (yellow and red), and carrots from Pfenning's. We have the last of our squash from HOPE Eco Farms. As an extra to purchase, we have apples, shiitake mushrooms, and fire cider. We ourselves are swimming in purple top turnips, radishes, hakurei turnips, spring onions, winter radishes, cabbage, fennel, bok choy, and salad mix. We have a little bit of spinach left, some gorgeous chard, and kale. We also have a few lbs of green peppers and some blush ones as well, we harvested our remaining peppers on Thursday night. Dill and cilantro succumbed to the cold, and we just have thyme left. We have a few garlic braids available and bulk garlic packages! 

Purple daikon radish in a salad 

Harvesting radishes before the snow

Thanks so SO much for being a part of our Farm Share! This is not really goodbye, we will stay in touch with news about our farm store, online ordering opportunities, our new gift cards, and how to sign up for next season (sign up will begin in January! This helps us purchase our seeds and soil for 2025). We'll also be sending out a survey next week to help us get some feedback for next year! 

With gratitude and thanks, 

Your farmers,

Kim and Alex

and our farm crew and family. 

I tried to find a picture of all of us at the farm, but all I could find was pictures of us having various adventures. So here is the farm family in the big city.