Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2022 Farm Share Week 3 - Garlic Scapes

Posted on June 20th, 2022 by Kim Barker

Hi farm friends!

What a crazy week of weather we’ve had. First, a heat wave; then the wind; then cold and rain. Looks like we are gearing up for some more heat now. It’s been a challenge with the field this year, as we started off planting in muck and are now dealing with quite dry soil. But 4 years into this, we know not to expect much out of the weather one way or the other. We just put a deposit on two large greenhouses which we are very excited to add to the farm next year! Growing inside allows you to have much more control over plantings, especially in the spring and fall.   


Now is your chance to customize your share! Log onto your Harvie account to swap, add, or purchase additional items. You'll have til Tuesday at 10pm to do this. After that, we'll receive a pick list and start harvesting!  

What’s in the Share This Week:

Our featured item this week is garlic scapes! These are the flowering head of the garlic plant. We take them off so that the garlic will form a nice-sized bulb. They’re something we look forward to each year. A few ideas of what you can do with them: grill them (our personal favourite), pickle them, or chop them up and add them into any dish calling for garlic (we like this especially for stir-fries, pastas, and omelettes or frittatas). We also have the first of the season’s zucchinis! Not yet enough for everyone, but once they start producing they really come on strong so you can expect to see these soon if you don’t this week.


On The Farm

We finally got in our winter squash and melon, breathing a sigh of relief! We have been busy watering, planting our successions of beets (we hope these will be ready soon!), beans, lettuce, salad mix, and radish, and weeding and pruning our tomato hoophouses. Soon, it will be time to start preparing our beds for our fall plantings which happen in the middle of July.

We’re a little sad about our broccoli, which didn’t survive the heat wave we just had and is starting to flower. As a result, we’ll only have a small amount of it to go around. Spring broccoli is one of the trickiest things to grow, since it requires a lot of space and nutrients, and doesn’t like the heat. With a wet spring, we couldn’t get it in the ground early enough to grow without heat. On the brighter side, we are seeding it again in the greenhouse next week, so we get another go at it for our fall planting.

Beet helpers

Grow tomatoes grow! 


If you scroll down during your customization of your share, you'll notice we have some extra items from other producers for sale! You can also swap these into your share if you want (but they have a higher value than our vegetable items so you'll notice a surcharge). 

We currently have Flower Bouquets which change weekly with the seasons and are locally-grown by the Green Bee Co. in Strathroy. We also have Maple Syrup from the Lumbsden Bros down Wyatt road, and Honey from Z&Bee Co. - the honey is from bees that live on our farm! 

Administrative Details + Reminders

You’ll have until 11:55pm. on Tuesday, June 7th to customize your share.  Not sure how?  Follow this how-to:

If you need to switch your pick-up location, skip, hold or reschedule a delivery you can learn how to do that here:

Have another question?  You can probably find the answer at Harvie University here:

Green Bags

We’re REALLY excited to be packing our shares in these green reusable bags again. Just remember to bring back your bag when you come to pick up your share. If it needs it, give it a wipe down too.  

Forget to pick up your share? Going to be late?

Don’t worry, it happens to someone every week! We always leave shares out in our packhouse after we go in at 630 or 7. We'll put them inside the cold room once it's dark, so don't worry if you have to come past 7. If you need to come another day, just send us an email or text and we'll leave your share in our cold room for you and you can pick it up when you're able to.

If you need to get in touch with me on pick up day, send me a text rather than an email if you can. 519-719-7253.
Email is 
Contact me at any time with your questions, comments, concerns :) 

We love to see what you are doing with your veggies, so make sure to tag us @mulberrymoonfarm in your social media posts and stories. 

Enjoy your first or second share of veggies, and thanks for keeping us growing!

- Farmer Kim