Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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Farm Share 2023 Week 6: TOMATOES!

Posted on July 10th, 2023 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 6 of the Farm Share! 

There are lots of options again this week so make sure to go on and customize your share! New this week are the first of the season's tomatoes!

Important Note: Please remember to return your GREEN BAGS

We are starting to run out of green bags, which means that some folks may have one or two sitting around in their cars or houses. Please bring your green bags back this week and every week that you pick up your veggies. If you are getting delivery, please leave out your green bag on your porch the night before. 

Have you set your preferences?

Setting your preferences can help you make the most of your Farm Share. If you notice you keep on getting something in your default. share that you don't really want, then you can set your preference for that item as lower. Be conservative with items you rate as a 5; save it only for your most beloved items to better your chances of getting them in your default share. 

If you just want to get a range of veggies and don't really mind what you get, you can skip setting your preferences or just rate everything as a 5! 

On The Farm 


We're busy bees out there trying to get all our beds prepped for fall plantings. The rain has been a blessing because it's one less thing to worry about (irrigation); but also we have to work around it! 

This week we'll be planting our second zucchini planting, more fall cabbages, and our regular succession of lettuce and salad mix. We're also going to be staking our peppers which (fingers crossed!) are looking like the best pepper plants we have had yet!

We're so lucky to have such a great crew of people helping us do this wild and wonderful work.

I haven't yet got a group photo! 

But here's Tristan and Dean, our lovely young 'uns, and Jonathon who joined us this year, with his dog Lance who is a very good boy. 

Veggie Highlights

Zucchinis are here! It really feels like summer once the zucchinis have arrived. Our cucumbers aren't quite catching up to them yet; they have TONS of tiny cucumbers on them but they haven't gotten big yet. I'm not sure if this is normal and I just forgot, or if something is up with them so we will be keeping an eye. So if you don't get cucumbers in your share, it's because we aren't harvesting enough yet for everyone. But fingers crossed that they will be arriving in vast amounts very soon!

We're also harvesting some of our garlic early. It's almost at its full size now and we love garlic so we like to use it as soon as we can! It's not yet cured so you can actually store it in your fridge.

Tomatoes are starting this week! We are SO excited! You'll notice that our tomatoes come in many shapes, colours and sizes. Because part of the joy of farming is getting to grow varieties for flavour and interest rather than purely production and storage requirements. With that being might notice some weird and wacky shapes and some cracks. This is usually normal with heirloom varieties. Just cut off those parts and the rest of the fruit is fine (better than fine actually; delicious).  



We hope you enjoy your veggies! Please don't hesitate to email at or text me at 519-719-7253 with any feedback or questions at any time. :)

Your farmer,
