Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2024 Farm Share Week 11: Abundance Continues

Posted on August 9th, 2024 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 11 of the Farm Share! We have lots of tomatoes and peppers right now! And we have added some potatoes and *ORGANIC NON GMO* sweet corn available to swap into your shares! Make sure to pop online to customize your share before Sunday at midnight.

On The Farm

Our compost came in, our compost came in! Alex and Jonathon were outside all day today planting cabbage and beets! Kohlrabi, broccolini, peas, turnip, and watermelon radish will all be going in soon too. These should be ready in October!

We got our 12 beds of fall carrots weeded this week, fingers crossed that these babies are going to grow well. 

We continue to be amazed by the level of production in our new greenhouses - we have never had so many tomatoes or peppers before!

This week we'll be harvesting the rest of our onions and letting them cure. 

Our garlic is now fully cured so if you get it from us you can store it in a cool dry place, do not refrigerate. 

THANK YOU to everyone who has been riding the wave of our season already for 11 weeks! We know that signing up to the Farm Share is a bit of a leap of faith, because you never really know what you might get. That's what the farm season is like for us too - so we are grateful to you for riding the wave with us and finding joy in the food we grow. 


Tip of the Week

My favourite way to preserve tomatoes is to roast and freeze them. I simply chop up tomatoes, whatever I have, including cherry tomatoes if that's what I have. Often I use seconds and just cut off all the questionable parts. I toss them with oil and salt and pepper, sometimes I add basil too. Then I roast them in the oven low and slow until they well roasted! I then freeze them in freezer bags. In the winter, I use these as a replacement for canned tomatoes and tomato sauce! 

What’s Fresh This Week

Tomatoes and peppers are the two veggies we have the most in abundance right now, so it's time to make the most of them! 

We're also VERY excited this week to finally have in some new potatoes from Pfenning's Organics AND for the first time ever we are buying in some organic non-gmo corn from Pfenning's as well. It's available to swap into the shares. 


Recipes & Tips

Simple Cherry Tomato Salad

My sister is visiting from Vancouver and she made this salad for me today. I’m hooked!  All you need is cherry tomatoes, basil, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


1 pint of cherry tomatoes

1-2 tbsb fresh basil leaves, chopped

Olive Oil

Balsamic Vinegar

Optional: croutons, mozzarella or feta cheese


  1. Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and place in a bowl

  2. Chop up the basil and add to the tomatoes

  3. Toss with a lug of olive oil and a drizzle of balsamic.

  4. Optional: add some croutons, mozarella, or feta cheese

  5. Let it sit (room temperature) for ~10 minutes to absorb the flavour (if you have the patience that is)


Ground Cherry Torte

Our Farm Share member Lori sent this recipe in to us! She said she added blueberries to make up enough fruit and that it cooked longer than expected. Most importantly she said it was absolutely fabulous!

Here is the recipe:



Thanks again and please enjoy the veggies! I am always just an email away if you have any questions, comments or concerns! We love when you share pictures on social media too!!

Your farmer,
