Welcome to our 2023 Farm Share!
Please review the items in your share and customize to your liking. If while swapping items, you go above your allotted share value (Regular $28 or Large $40) Harvie will notify and charge your credit card for any overages.
You can also customize your share by adding "extras". These are items that cannot be swapped, but can be added by purchasing them.
Green Insulated Cooler Bags
Your share will come packed in one of our branded insulated cooler bags.
Please return your empty bag when you pick up your next share.
For those receiving home delivery, please leave your empty bag outside for us to collect when we deliver your next share on Thursdays between 3-6pm.
We appreciate your cooperation with our green bag exchange program. It helps us greatly reduce the use of unnecessary packaging.
If you have any questions about your farm share please do not hesitate to email us info@saladdaysfarm.ca
Happy eating!
Your farmers,
Paula & Dave