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Farm Happenings at Salad Days Farm
Fall Share - FINAL WEEK
Please return all green bags this week at pickup. If you forget, please drop them off at the farm store at your earliest convenience.
The Farm Store will be open until Dec 23rd
Hours: Thurs 12-6, Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4
Many thanks for a fantastic season! It has been a pleasure to grow organic food for1 read more »
Fall Share - Week 4 of 6
Many of the vegetables in your Fall Share are perfectly suited for storage, so don't panic if your beets, carrots and turnips are starting to pile up.
Here are some tips for storing your veg for the next few weeks (and even months!)
Storage Tips:
Root vegetables
(carrots, beets, turnip, radish, pa1 read more »