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Farm Happenings at Salad Days Farm
Farm Share - week of June 28
This week on the farm we're trying to survive the heat, and stay on top of the weeds. After plenty of rain last weekend everything has doubled in size so there's lots of harvesting to stay on top of too.
Today we picked close to 100lbs of sugar snap peas. Plus, broccoli and cauliflower are starting1 read more »
Farm Share - week of June 21
Happy Summer!
This week we started harvesting cucumbers and zucchini - a sure sign of summer.
We're growing English cucumbers for the first time and so far the plants look like they will be very productive. In years past we've had disappointing cucumber yields, due to pests and disease, but this ye1 read more »
Farm Share - week of June 14
We're thrilled to be kicking off another Farm Share season! And we're so happy to have you all along for the ride. Welcome to our bi-weekly members who are jumping in this week!
The weather has been great lately and the crops are bursting in the fields with the rain we've received over the past wee1 read more »
Farm Share - week of June 7
We're thrilled to be kicking off another Farm Share season! And we're so happy to have you all along for the ride.
Mother nature has already thrown us a few curveballs this Spring, but overall the fields are looking great and we have lots of delicious veggies ready for your plates.
Vegetable1 read more »