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Farm Happenings at Salad Days Farm
Farm Share - Week of Aug 30
Farm Updates:
Our 2nd succession of beans is producing well. There should be lots more green beans available this time around.
Onions have cured and started going into shares last week. We should have a decent supply through the Fall.
Salad greens are struggling through the heat, but slightly coole1 read more »
Farm Share - week of August 16
*Please remember to return your green bag at each pickup*
Farm Updates:
Garlic is ready this week! This year's crop is a 10/10
Tomatoes and peppers are ripening rapidly and yields seem to be up compared to previous years.
We also harvested 400lbs of carrots this week, and we have another succe1 read more »
Farm Share - Week of Aug 2
Green bags are back!
Prior to the pandemic we packed our Farm Shares in insulate cooler bags, but as a safety precaution we switched to paper bags in 2020. We've decided it's time to reintroduce our green bags because they produce less waste and keep our veggies cool.
Please return your bag at each1 read more »