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Farm Happenings at Salad Days Farm
Farm Share - Sept. 29
Correction from last week where I got the final date wrong...oops!
The final week of your Summer Farm Share program is Tuesday, October 20th. If you signed up for a Fall Share, it will begin on Saturday, October 31st. If you were unable to get a spot in our Fall program don't fret! You'll still be1 read more »
Farm Share - Sept 26
You don't have to be a farmer to notice that the seasons are changing. We've already had a few frosts on the farm and that means we'll be saying farewell to many of our summer crops like tomatoes, peppers and beans. In the coming week's we'll have lots of new variety like broccoli, kohlrabi, turnip1 read more »
Farm Share - Sept 19
You don't have to be a farmer to notice that the seasons are changing. We've already had 2 light frosts and are expecting another tonight. That means we'll be saying farewell to many of our summer crops like tomatoes, peppers and beans. In the coming week's we'll have lots of new variety like brocc1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 8, 2020
Last chance to order your heritage pork sampler pack for $125
What's included:
3-4 packs of sausages
ham roast
butt or shoulder roast
1 ham steak
3-4 packs of chops
3-4 packs of bacon
We'll be in touch with those who order to confirm pickup/delivery dates.
Farm updates...
Beans are back. T1 read more »