Farm Happenings at Schultz Valley Farms
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Week 14

Posted on August 16th, 2020 by Lynne Schultz


Hope that everyone is doing well. On the farm we are finishing some large projects and starting to shift gears from summer crops to fall crops and planting. Yes we will still have summer crops until the end but some focus on fall and winter crops have started. This week we plan to finished harvesting all of our onions. We than place them in our greenhouse to cure so that we will have them for the fall and winter. Also a lot of fields this week get their last harvest and then cleaned up as we started to prepare fields for the upcoming strawberry plants that we will be getting in about two weeks. Right after labor day we will have 8000 in strawberry plants arrive for the coming season. Also a fields finished up we start to plant  cover crops for the season. Right now we plant a lot of peas and turnips which we will harvest if they make it or if they don't make it not a big deal it gives nutrients back to the soil. Also our first set of meat chicken will be getting processed. So will be having some chicken available soon. 

This week are still in the main season for tomatoes. So we will have bulk tomatoes available again this week. What is your favorite thing to do with your tomatoes? Right now we are just enjoy tomatoes raw with a little bit of Parmesan cheese on them. 


Fruit this week will be a variety of melons  which could be a watermelon, cantaloupe, canary melon or honeydew and the first of the apples of the season. They will be ginger golds which is a yellow apple. 


We hope everyone has a great and safe week, 

The Schultz Family