Greetings from the farm,
Can you believe we are half way done with the season? As we start the second half of the season we are really starting to shift what is in the basket. This week we can see tomato and pepper season is here. Things are starting to shift on the farm too as we start to thing about fall and winter crops. Beets, turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, radishes and carrots have been planted. Our one high tunnel has been tarped and and getting stalled bedded for the fall. Plans for that high tunnel are swiss chard, kale, collards, green beans, cucumbers, and zucchini. Our fall brassicas come in the next week I believe 1200 plants. We also start second cutting hay this week and tried our first acorn squash of the season.
We did take a day off on Sunday and took the kids to the zoo. The boys started school on Monday so that was their last summer fun. They are enjoying going back to school it just an adjustment getting back in the school routine.
Hope everyone has great week,
The Schultz Family