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Farm Happenings at Steel Pony Farm
Celery, Corn, Tomatoes and Cucumbers on the Extra List
Here's a goofy photo of me, happy with some of our celery which we are just beginning to harvest. This celery is jam packed with flavor - way more so than celery from the grocery store. It is as though they are totally different species. We intentionally keep the leaves on because they add so much1 read more »
Introducing Celery
Here's a goofy photo of me, happy with some of our celery which we are just beginning to harvest. This celery is jam packed with flavor - way more so than celery from the grocery store. It is as though they are totally different species. We intentionally keep the leaves on because the1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 26, 2021
I’m excited to finally have some shirts to offer that are in line with our values. I struggle to buy clothing because so much of it is produced overseas with little to no social or environmental oversight. In terms of branding, I think that both the medium and the message are importa1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 17, 2021
I was so happy with our garlic harvest this weekend. Thanks to those of you who came out to help. Whether you stayed for a while or just popped in to say hello it was fun to share the experience with you.
The garden is starting to feel the impact of this extended drought. I am noticin1 read more »
Garlic Harvest This Saturday
I’m excited to report that our garlic is finally ready to harvest! Garlic harvest is one of my favorite farming activities of the year and for the past 10 years we have made a day of it by inviting members to come out and be part of the harvest. We have about 13,000 bulbs to pull out of the g1 read more »
Eggs, Kombucha, Coffee
Wow, August already. We are beginning the shift toward heavier crops and I'm excited to have carrots back this week. Our cooking onions are slowly sizing up so we are going to pull some of those out this week for the first time. Personally, I have found that my consumption of veggies is sky1 read more »
Eggs, Kombucha, Coffee, Flowers
Wow, August already. We are beginning the shift toward heavier crops and I'm excited to have carrots back this week. Our cooking onions are slowly sizing up so we are going to pull some of those out this week for the first time. Personally, I have found that my consumption of veggies is sky rocket1 read more »